
Change starts in the mind

Life coaching & training for your personal development process

Professional development

Mastering crises

Recognize self-worth

“If you don’t like the way it is, move. You are not a tree.”
Jim John

Life is a process of development, not solid like a tree. Circumstances and needs sometimes change as suddenly as the weather. Sometimes changes are predictable like seasons.
The question is how you deal with these changes. Do you accept it?

Develop and train successful behavior patterns

You've gotten used to a lot of things in your life. Processes, routines, even dealing with people around you have become normal. Habits, so-called action patterns and processes, sometimes occur unconsciously. To be able to see the forest for the trees again, an objective view from the outside helps.

We support you through life coaching and training in making the unconscious become visible again. Find out together where the discomfort in your current situation comes from. We accompany you in your development process to enable you to lead a successful, self-confident and happy life.
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Recommendations are the best reference

"A few years ago I was in great difficulty, separated, dependent on my husband (...), lost faith in myself and the world. Martina, (...) You helped me in a unique way. My life is running again , which I never thought possible.(...)I separated from my husband with your help. I have a well-paid job. Your unique gift with your gentle, friendly way of getting to the point of things has saved me. (...) THANK YOU - for the great life that I can now live - la mia bella illuminata."

Susanna Sorestani

"I have to say a big thank you to mindway. With Martina as a coach, I was actually able to understand what obstacles were in my way and how to overcome them. Even during the coaching appointments, I could feel the changes in my work environment "If it required a lot of personal and mental changes. This also clearly led to some positive developments in my private life, which was actually not the goal. All the better that I decided to take coaching here."

Arndt Johannsen

"I have to say a big thank you to mindway. With Martina as a coach, I was actually able to understand what obstacles were in my way and how to overcome them. Even during the coaching appointments, I could feel the changes in my work environment "If it required a lot of personal and mental changes. This also clearly led to some positive developments in my private life, which was actually not the goal. All the better that I decided to take coaching here."

Grit Kühn

Nature gives you the face. You have to smile yourself.

Statusanalyse mit Life-Coaching

Together we find causes, solve blockages and develop action plans.
  • Finding the cause

    In order to be able to approach new paths, it makes sense to understand why your life is currently being put to the test. Something has changed. Maybe the shoes you've been walking in have simply become too small for you. Sometimes there are deeper underlying patterns or structures of action. These should first be solved so that you can develop a new level of satisfaction.

  • Statusanalyse

    We'll see where you stand. Why do you strive for change and further development? What makes you feel good in your environment and what makes you feel uneasy? Maybe you already have some ideas and thoughts about where you want to go, but are unsure which decision is right for you.

  • Action plans

    After the environment and status analysis, it is time for your personal project. We define the rough framework together. Develop individual steps and sequences that will bring you safely to your goal. Also identify options for action in advance in order to have a plan B.

Internalize with life training

We train with you and take the first steps with you on your new path.
  • Motivationstraining

    Change processes require perseverance. You can train with us not to lose your own motivation even in difficult situations. With a little support in your personal success monitoring, you can quickly develop your own motivation on your own:

  • Concentration training

    All of life is made up of distractions - direct and indirect. With us you will find your work-life balance and learn to consciously direct your attention. With a little practice you will also achieve your personal flow:

  • Mental strength

    With resilience training we increase your own resilience. To make this successful, we rely on strengthening your strengths and supporting you in your self-perception:

What is your topic?

I am Sophie. Let's find out together in a non-binding initial consultation.

We know that your own story is very personal. Trust and a good feeling on both sides is particularly important here. Let's get to know each other without obligation and find out what your topic is. Because different approaches or methods can be useful for each topic.

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I'm Martina

Life & communication coach

Since 1999 I have been working with people who are stuck in situations, professional or private. With the right help, it is easy to free yourself from stagnation, old behavioral and belief patterns

to dissolve and thereby advance the realization of one's personal goal.

By recognizing the current situation/problem, blockages can then be resolved and the actual goal can be clearly defined. I support you

To develop and realize your goals through targeted action.

I am Paul

Mentaltrainer & Coach

Life is an adventure. A path that each person initially takes for themselves. Not always straight, often opaque and sometimes poorly signposted. If you're lucky, you might get through it without any challenges. For me, as for so many others, it is not so. Life has its own plans. There will always be a new obstacle. Dealing with them is crucial. How do I find what I really want in life? How do I move forward despite all the difficulties? Have I set the right goal? I'll help you find your way to yourself. Let's make a project out of it. A project for your future.
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